Please note that information on this page should be read in conjunction with the full Admissions Policy (shortcut at the bottom of this page).

Before an application is made please visit Beechen Cliff during the course of a working day when we might have the opportunity to answer any questions you may wish to ask and show you around the School whilst it is in normal operation.

If you decide that you wish to apply for a place at the School, we would like to suggest that you read the guidelines carefully in order to give your son the best possible chance to secure a place at Beechen Cliff.

For many years, parents have been asked to specify the distinctive features of the School that have made it the first choice for their sons.  Each year the responses confirm that the ethos and character of the School, the sound academic performance and the reputation, achievements in competitive activities and the excellent extra-curricular activities on offer are the overwhelming features of parents’ choice.  It is the duty of the Governing Body to protect the choices made by the parents and it expects that those who send their boys here undertake that their son, if physically able, be willing to support the corporate and extra-curricular life of the School, such as in the areas of sport, music and drama, much of which takes place outside the timetable.

There are up to 162 places available in each year for those boys who are transferring from primary or preparatory schools.  These places are allocated according to the admissions criteria laid out in the School Admissions Policy.  For boarding applications, please read the boarding criteria (which is specified within the admissions policy) and visit the boarding web page for more information before applying for a place.

Appeals Information

All applicants refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code. Appellants should contact for information on how to appeal. Information on the timetable for the appeals process can be found on the Bath & North East Somerset Council website:

The timetable for appeals for September 2024 Year 7 entry can be found by following the link:

Admissions Appeals Timetable

The timetable for appeals for September 2025 Year 7 entry will be provided in due course.

Advice on appeals can be found by following the link:

DofE Admission Appeals for School Places

The School Position on Appeal Hearings is set out in the document below.