Staff Emails
We have put the following information together as a quick guide to ensure your enquiry reaches the correct member of staff and is handled as swiftly as possible.
For all general enquiries or if you are unsure who to contact, please email the main school contact or call 01225 480466 for the main reception and they will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff.
The first point of contact for a pastoral query will be the Tutor or Head of House.
The first point of contact for a subject query will be the subject teacher or Head of Faculty.
For specific concerns, please see below:
Tim Markall
Contact me if:
- You would like to share your views about the school
- You would like information about the school day
- You would like information about the school’s curriculum offer
- You have a concern or complaint about any aspect of the school
Mike Ambrose
Deputy Headteacher, Pastoral
Contact me if:
- You have a question relating to attendance
- You have information on bullying to share with the school
- Your child is a looked after child or a previously looked after child
- You have a concern about your child’s welfare
- You have a query about community links including the School Travel Plan
Andrew Seal
Deputy Headteacher, Curriculum & Assessment
Contact me if:
- You have a question about your child’s report
- You have a question about assessment
- You have an unresolved setting query
- You have a question relating to GCSE options choices
- You have a question regarding your child’s progress
- You have a question about the timetable
- You have a question about exams
Clive Hall
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Contact me if:
- You have a serious concern about child protection or safeguarding issues
- You would like to report incidents of sexualised behaviour or child on child abuse, both in school and the local community
Sophie Sullivan
Assistant Headteacher, Teaching and Learning
Contact me if:
- You have a question about the school’s teaching and learning policy and practice
- You have a question about the school’s homework offer
- You have a question about Google Classroom
- You have a concern about the quality of teaching and learning
- You have a question about the GCSE revision programme
- You need advice to support your son at home with learning
Kevin Morris
Assistant Headteacher, Personal Development
Contact me if:
- You have a question regarding our Character Development Programme
- You have a question regarding our Careers Provision or Work Experience
- You would like to get involved with the School’s Careers and Future Horizons Programme
- You have a query about Activities Week
- You have a query about our Tutor Programme
- You have a question about our PSHE and SMSC Programmes
- You have a question regarding our extra-curricular programme
- You would like to get involved with the school for enrichment
- You have a query re trips and student involvement
Kim Mather
Head of Sixth Form
Contact me if:
- You have a question about the Sixth Form
- You have a question about the progress of your child in Sixth Form
- You would like to join the Sixth Form
Jo Blair
SEND Coordinator and SLT Pupil Premium Lead
Contact me if:
- You have a question about your child’s specific learning needs
- You need information on targeted support
- You need information on Teaching Assistant support
- You have a question about SEND or Pupil Premium provision or funding
Charlotte Moorhead
Head of Boarding
Contact me if:
- You have a question regarding our Boarding provision
- You would like to apply for a boarding place
Heads of Year
Please contact if you have a query in relation to a pupil in a particular year or if you would like to share information that is affecting your child’s schoolwork.
Annie Milland | Head of Year 7 | |
Ian Burnell | Head of Year 8 | |
Jack Utton | Head of Year 9 | |
Alex Firth | Head of Year 10 | |
Patrick Macdonald | Head of Year 11 | |
Staff will reply to your email as soon as possible, in line with our policy, within 48 hours of receiving your email (working days only). If your email is of a complex nature, the member of staff will send an acknowledgement email within this timescale but may need longer to follow-up before sending a fuller response or arranging a meeting with you. We do not expect staff to read or respond to emails in the evenings, at weekends or during school holidays.