As part of our commitment to our Core Values, we encourage pupils at Beechen Cliff to demonstrate compassion, proving that each and every member of our community, whether in school or beyond, is vital and valued.
Each member of our school, student or staff, reiterates their adherence to upholding our values each year through their signing of our Charter and our annual Pledge of Respect; a vital and overt expression of everyone’s understanding of the responsibility of being part of Beechen Cliff and the environment that we wish to create
Ensuring welcoming and respectful surroundings results in students feeling supported, safe and empowered to overcome the challenges that they may experience. Compassion is cultivated with practice and students learn formally through lessons how to empathise with individuals with differing life experiences and not simply through PSHE and RPE but in Geography, English, History and across the curriculum. These skills are further role modelled by staff who provide emotional support, positive encouragement and reinforcement, actively engaging with students.
Compassion is concern for another’s well-being with a desire to help. The definition we use for pupils for our Core Value of Compassion is:
Showing consideration to others, improving the lives of those around me, and doing the right thing even when no one else is looking. Recognising my own self-worth.
Our commitment and investment in supporting others is found through the charitable work that our Houses undertake, our proactive approach to pastoral care and network of support services, our positive encouragement and reinforcement, our gratitude for help that is received and our awareness that mistakes are a part of learning.
We also encourage pupils to lead on organising charity fundraisng, particularly supporting people in need. Examples include Beechen Cliff’s Got Talent in aid of Children in Need, The Centurion Challenge in aid of Water Aid and and football matches to raise money to support people affected by the war in Ukraine.
We are keen to provide life experiences and work closely with charities including Boys in Mind (Girls Mind Too), bringing in speakers and deliverers of First Aid, Stand Against Violence; boys receive Tender training with regards to prevention of domestic abuse and sexual violence as well as visits from local emergency service providers in order to educate, inform and enhance understanding. We actively support and publicise Show Racism the Red Card Day as well as the Diana Anti Bullying Award, challenging all at Beechen Cliff to be Upstanders and not Bystanders, advocating for the rights of others and calling out when these are under threat.
All of this has been recognised in our recent OFSTED inspection, the report concluded that
‘Respect is central to the school’s ethos. Pupils sign up to the ‘Beechen Cliff Charter’ which sets out the importance of equality and diversity. The school aims to give everyone the same opportunities and rights.’ As well as ‘Pupils behave well, both around the school and in the classroom. They know that staff expect them to uphold the school’s values.’ Also ‘Pupils are taught how to be a good friend when their peers need them.’
If you are keen to add to our commitment to compassion for our community, please do contact us at school.