In Year 10 pupils begin their GCSE courses. All pupils study English Language and English Literature, Mathematics and Science (either the Combined Science course or Separate Sciences course). In addition pupils select 4 option subjects from a range of GCSE and Level 2 courses. Finally all pupils also have timetabled lessons in PE, Games and PSHE.

The majority of students follow the “standard” pathway which includes a language and humanities subject alongside further option choices. The “bespoke” pathway for pupils who would benefit from a greater range of option choices. Decisions on pathways are based on need and where required additional numeracy and literacy support is provided.

Pathways and subject options:

Core Curriculum

All pupils study English Language and English Literature, Mathematics and Science (Separate or Combined) along with Physical Education, Games and PSHE.

Standard pathway Bespoke pathway
Pupils study 

History or Geography


French, German, Spanish or Italian


two further options from:

  • Art GCSE 
  • Art & Design (3D Design) Level 1/2 (not taken with Art GCSE) 
  • Business Studies Level 1/2 
  • Computer Science GCSE 
  • Interactive Media Level 1/2 (Not to be taken with Computer Science)  D&T: Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE 
  • D&T: Design & Technology GCSE 
  • Music GCSE 
  • Music Technology Level 2 (not to be taken with Music GCSE) 
  • Photography GCSE 
  • Physical Education GCSE 
  • Religious Studies/Philosophy and Ethics GCSE 
  • Second Language GCSE (from the above) 
  • Second Humanities GCSE (from the above) 
  • Sport Studies Level 1/2 (not to be taken with GCSE Physical Education)


Four of the following are chosen: 

  • Art GCSE 
  • Art & Design (3D Design) Level 1/2 (not taken with Art GCSE) 
  • Business Studies Level 1/2 
  • Computer Science GCSE 
  • D&T: Food Preparation and Nutrition GCSE 
  • D&T: Design & Technology GCSE 
  • French GCSE 
  • Geography GCSE 
  • German GCSE 
  • History GCSE 
  • Interactive Media Level 1/2 (Not to be taken with Computer Science) 
  • Italian 
  • Music GCSE 
  • Music Technology Level 2 (not to be taken with Music GCSE) 
  • Photography GCSE 
  • Physical Education GCSE 
  • Religious Studies/Philosophy and Ethics GCSE 
  • Spanish GCSE 
  • Sport Studies Level 1/2 (not to be taken with GCSE Physical Education)

The PSHE curriculum at KS4 covers all statutory requirements and is delivered via discreet PSHE  lessons, collapsed timetable days, assemblies, our tutor programme and through other curriculum subjects.

Our most able mathematicians also have the opportunity to undertake a Further Maths enrichment course to further develop their interest and knowledge in the subject. 

Pupils are streamed in English, Maths and Science to allow appropriate challenge and support to all pupils in the core subjects. All other subjects are taught in mixed ability groups and this allows breadth of choice. 

Across Key Stage 4 learning is carefully unpackaged so that all pupils can achieve the learning objectives set. In addition, appropriate support is provided for pupils with SEND within lessons to ensure the curriculum is accessible and that pupils are sufficiently challenged and supported.

The Key Stage 4 courses run over two years and in Year 11 pupils complete their courses, concluding with GCSE Examinations in the summer term. Assessment across Key Stage 4 is a mixture of low stakes knowledge tests and formal assessment. Formal assessments become more important from the summer of Year 10 onwards with mock examinations taking place then and during Year 11 as part of preparation for GCSE examinations.

Allocation of curriculum hours:

Subject Year 10 Year 11
English (Language & Literature) 8 7
Maths 7 8
Science 10 10
Option 1 5 5
Option 2 5 5
Option 3 5 5
Option 4 5 5
Physical Education 2 2
Games 2 2
PSHE 1 1
Total 50 50