The GCSE curriculum aims to provide all pupils with both a core academic curriculum and also give pupils the opportunity to study subjects that they are confident in, enjoy, and that will provide future opportunities in terms of further education, training and employment. Emphasis continues to be placed on academic subjects and typically 70% of pupils study the full range of English Baccalaureate suite of qualifications, which enables them to access academic A Level courses and competitive universities including Russell Group and Oxbridge.
The curriculum aims to enable pupils to build on the knowledge learned at KS3 and, in addition to learning new content, build confidence in independent learning and revision techniques that will enable them to to achieve their full potential in in meaningful qualifications by the end of Year 11, and also prepare them for their next steps in education. We also intend for pupils to receive the best possible careers advice and guidance to enable them to be aspirational about their future and make the best decisions for themselves about future education and training.
The aim is through assessment of gaps and intervention all pupils end Key Stage 4 ready for the next stage in their education with the literacy and numeracy skills required for their chosen programme of study.
The Key Stage 4 curriculum is also intended to support each pupil’s moral, spiritual and cultural development and to promote healthy lifestyles and well-being through our tutor, assembly and PSHE programmes and a comprehensive physical education and extra-curricular offer.