
We believe that volunteering is important as part of making a positive contribution to society.

Students completing the Duke of Edinburgh Award are required to undertake volunteering as part of the programme.

Each year over 150 pupils will be volunteer their time  in the local community across a wide variety of groups.  Examples are:

Helping charities – such as Mercy in Action, Dorothy House, Julian House, Mencap, Faith Communites, Widcombe Baptist church, Bathford village shop, Corston community orchard, helping set up a library at Englishcombe Village, Age UK, Hugs charity, National Trust, Black Families Education support group, Off the Record
Helping the Elderly – helping elderly neighbours with gardening and other chores
Environment – More Trees, planting trees. Bath City Farm, Bee Keeping, Primrose Woods maintenance, Lyncombe Fields group, Litter picking in the local area, surfers against sewage, conservation area at Newbridge primary school.
Sport and leadership – helping to coach younger years in local junior schools, numerous local sports clubs, Park Run, All cycle Bath&West
Scouts and CCF -helping to run activities for younger year groups


In addition the school also offers additional volunteering opportunities including:

  • Mentoring younger pupils
  • Reading with younger pupils
  • Tours of the school
  • Marshalling or tours at Open Evenings and Mornings
  • Community litter picking

Supporting Charities

We encourage pupils to support charity work and fundraise whenever possible. This fits with our School Vision and Core Values and our  Character Programme.

Some of our outdoor challenges include fund raising for charity including the Coast-to-Coast and Centurion Challenges which have supported such charities as Water Aid and Boys in Mind.

Students supporting our Sixth Form Charity Trip to Romania have also organised supermarket bag packing, supported the Bath Half Marathon and organised Quiz and Curry Evenings to raise money for People Against Poverty and Graft for Growth.

At Christmas younger pupils have the opportunity to take part in the Santa Run and all are encouraged to donate money or items to support local homeless charities and the Christmas Shoebox Appeal.

Student led events also support those in need such as the student organised ‘Football vs Rugby’ charity football game in 2022, which raised over £1500 for people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, and the Beechen Cliff’s Got Talent event in aid of Dorothy House .