Beechen Cliff PTA

General enquiries – Snir Benedek

Second hand uniform enquires – Lesley Leming

50:50 Club – Jane Millington

Charity Number 1079431 for Beechen Cliff School PTA


PTA Team 2022/2023

Snir Benedek: Chair

Jane Millington: Treasurer / 50:50 Club

We are a friendly group of parents/ staff aiming to raise funds to benefit the whole school. New faces are always welcome and we generally hold 6 meetings a year at the school. Get in touch, it’s a great way to ‘give a little back’ and get involved with your son’s school.

How/where have past raised funds been spent?

Thanks to your help, we’ve been able to fund the following;

  • New multipurpose clubhouse next to tennis courts
  • Mental health wellbeing services
  • Design and technology 3D printer
  • Library renovation
  •  Atlases for geography dept.
  •  Printmaking equipment for the art dept.
  • Camcorder for the DT/Science club
  • Foreign film club
  •  New dictionaries
  •  Remote control car for car club
  •  Equipment for the sport department

Whilst there are the current restrictions in place, we’ve been unable to do our regular fundraising events. In the meantime, please support your school charity virtually and share these five charitable fundraising ideas with your family and friends. Thank you so much.


Five fundraising schemes to support the Beechen Cliff PTA charity

1.   Crowd funding campaign

Please donate what you can afford.

£25,000 raised since its launch in Feb 2021. Big thank you!

Focusing on:

  • Mental health services within school
  • IT equipment
  • Completion of the Clubhouse amenities

Regular monthly donations from as little as £3 a month can all really help the charity.


2.   50:50  Monthly school raffle 

Gives everyone a chance to win 3 monthly cash prizes. Winning chances 1 in 500

50% cash prize and 50% to the PTA Charity.

Last year 50:50 raised £2000 for funding school projects and £2000 for 50:50 members.

  • Set up your standing order between £1-£10
  • A number is allocated for every £1 paid which goes into the monthly draw
  • You can cancel at any time

Wish to sign up? Contact Jane Millington:


3.    Second hand uniform donations

Uniform donations – To be dropped off at school during opening hours

  • Main entrance foyer into the labelled container
  • All items need to be in good condition, laundered, with size labels and clearly listed in labelled bags please. All rugby/football boots to be cleaned please.
  • Good quality second hand ‘New Style” uniform including blazers, shirts. trousers, sports kit, foot wear, shin pads, hockey sticks all gratefully accepted.

Recent school uniform sales raised over £1400. Thank you.

Second hand uniform enquiries please email Lesley Leming


4.     Give As You Live

Raise quick easy free funds for our school charity when you shop on-line

‘Give as you Live’ is an award winning, online fundraising website which gives Beechen Cliff parents and teachers the opportunity to raise free PTA funds every time they shop online. Over 4000 online stores including all major supermarkets etc.

It’s free to join and costs you no extra when shopping.

In exchange for sending customers to a store’s site, the store pays a commission to ‘Give as You Live’ which is shared with our PTA charity. Simple!

Please remember to go through the GAYL page every time you shop at participating websites/ shops as we know it’s easy to forget.


5.    Bath Stone Property in Bear Flat 

Agreed to donate 1% of their selling fee to a local school when instructing them to market your property. You can choose if you would like to support Beechen Cliff School.