Our Medical Room is open from 8am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
We have approximately 24 First Aid trained members of staff.
It is imperative we have up-to-date contact numbers in the event of an emergency. Please contact us if your home/work/mobile number changes.
In the case of minor emergencies you will be contacted and asked to collect your child and take them to A&E.
We are able to hold medication in a locked cabinet in the Medical Room. Please make sure you complete the medical form which can be found following the link at the bottom of this page “Administration of Medicines Policy” – print a copy off and complete it, returning it to the Medical Room along with the medication. The medication must be in its original packaging and it must be clearly labelled.
The Medical Room does not deal with injuries that have happened outside of school hours, it is purely for school incidents.
Anaphylaxis – We are able to hold a spare Epipen for your son and also Antihistamine in the event of an allergic reaction. They must be clearly labelled with your son’s name. Please make sure you contact us and fill out a Care Plan, giving us clear instructions of how your son’s symptoms present and the treatment we need to follow.
Asthma – Please ensure your son carries his inhaler at all times and has easy access to it during PE. It is possible for us to hold a spare for your son in the event that he leaves it at home; please label it clearly and it will be held in the Medical Room.
Contagious illnesses – Please keep your son away from school with any infectious illness until your GP advises it is safe to return. Diarrhoea and Vomiting (D&V) – the recommended period to be kept away from school is 48 hours from the last episode of D&V.
Diabetes – We are able to hold the Diabetic supplies for your son. Please make sure you bring a clear lunch box size container holding the spare snacks, insulin, needles, ketone strips, etc.
Head injuries – all pupils sustaining a head injury will remain in the Medical Room and be monitored closely. You will be contacted and a note will be sent home.
Paracetamol – We can give one dose of paracetamol for headaches with parent/carer permission (see attached medical form on the school website as above) – please check school policy for administering paracetamol. However, we cannot give paracetamol following a head injury. If the headaches continue, please seek advice from your GP.
We offer basic emotional support and a confidential place to talk. ‘Off the Record’ attend the school one morning a week for drop-in sessions where your son can discuss any problem in confidence. On occasions we can organise referrals if needed.
Virgin Care: We have a Virgin Care nurse who comes into school every Tuesday for a drop-in clinic for confidential advice.
BANES Community Health and Care Services – Virgin Care
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B&NES Guidance on Infection Prevention and Control in Schools: Please see the link below for advice and guidance from B&NES
Health Protection Exclusion Table
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We also have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) which will be used by trained staff in the event of Cardiac Arrest. It is located in the Staff Room.
Please feel free to contact the Medical Room if you have any concerns or questions regarding your son.
School Nurse Tel: 01225 485236