As you will be aware the vast majority of students in Year 8 take up a second language in addition to French.
Your son will study a second language next year and he will be allocated to study either German, Italian or Spanish. This is an allocation process not an option process (this will take place in year 9 for GCSEs). However, should your son have a specific reason for wishing to study a particular language, please complete the form below to communicate details by Friday 25th June 2021.
Please note that all three languages are equally popular subjects amongst pupils at Beechen Cliff School and the uptake for GCSE French, German, Italian and Spanish is equally high. Enrichment activities, trips and exchanges are available for all languages in equal measure at Key Stage 3 as well as Key Stage 4.
Allocations are NOT made on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that although we do our utmost to meet any specific requests, this is not always possible due to timetabling restrictions.