The Home School Agreement

We want to work with parents to support the education of their children. This partnership is defined in our Home School Agreement. We ask parents to support both their child and the school as when we work together this leads to the best possible outcomes for pupils.

Home School Agreement


Parents can support by working with the PTA including:

    • Giving time to organise or support with PTA fundraising or events
    • Supporting with school events
    • Taking part in school raffles
    • Making donations to PTA specific fundraising appeals or one off donations
    • Making regular donations to the PTA

    For more information on the PTA please visit their website via the following link: Beechen Cliff PTA

    Careers Talks, Mock Interviews or Super-Curricular Lectures

    Where they have a specific area of expertise or interest parents can support the school by giving time to share this with our pupils. This could be in the form of supporting our cross-school Ignite Days when we focus on careers, personal safety and well-being. Alternatively it could be supporting mock interviews for pupils in Year 11 or Year 13, giving a super-curricular lecture to pupils in school or something else.

    If you would like to make a contribution in this way please contact one of the following:

    Head of Careers, Mrs Emma Pascoe:

    Assistant Headteacher (Personal Development), Mr Kevin Morris:

    Assistant Headyeacher (Head of Sixth Form), Miss Kim Mather:

    Financial Contribution

    Some parents like to make a voluntary financial contribution to the school on one-off or regular basis. This can be arranged through our finance team and parents should contact if this is something they would like to do.