Religious Education and Collective Worship Local Procedures

Collective Worship

At Beechen Cliff we follow the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership policy for Collective Worship which offers pupils the opportunity to develop and celebrate their awareness of
themselves, others and their world through themes and activities of a spiritual and moral character.

This policy allows us to recognise the value of our students exploring ultimate questions, sharing a sense of community and recognising things of worth and value.
This is presented in a broadly Christian context engendering the values of morality, compassion, humanity, tolerance, justice, charity and community. These values are also
found in other belief systems which are also appreciated and treated with respect. Examples of these values are drawn, where appropriate, from the Christian tradition but this is not
exclusive as examples from other world religions are utilised to demonstrate these values in both within and beyond lessons.

The policy is available via the following link: Collective Worship Policy

In addition, our local procedures enable pupils to meet together in assemblies or tutor time at the start of each day. Assemblies take place once a week for all year groups and (including in Year 12 and 13) and tutor time sessions take place in addition to

This gives us to the ore aspects through our Tutor Time Curriculum where students gather collectively whether that be as a Tutor Group or as a Year Group for aspects such as
Assemblies or the published Theme of the Week; these can include aspects such as Christmas and Easter as well as Ramadan and Eid.

The Year 7-11 Tutor Programme is available via the following link: Year 7-11 Tutor Programme

The Year 12-13 Tutor Programme is available via the following link: Sixth Form Tutor Programme

We are also fortunate to benefit from a designated Multi-Faith Prayer Space on site that gives students the opportunity to pray or worship independently or as part of a small group when
required. As part of our Extra Curricular club offering, pupils have the opportunity to join the popular Christian Union group which is student led and staff supported.

Religious Education

At Beechen Cliff we follow the Trust Religion and World Views Policy and the Trust SMSC Policy.

As we live in the United Kingdom, a multi-faith and multi-cultural society, it is important that children learn about people who may be seen as different to themselves. We aim for our
pupils learn about and from religions and world views and to develop an understanding of how individual faiths and cultures affect day to day living. We promote spiritual, moral,
social and cultural development through lots of different aspects of the curriculum and personal development programmes.

We also teach our pupils about the importance of tolerance, respect, empathy and understanding towards all people. This aligns with both British Values and also the School
Core Values of aspiration, compassion, independence and respect.

The polices are available via the following links:

Religion and World Views Policy

SMSC Policy

Our Religious Education curriculum is called RPE (Religion, Philosophy & Ethics).
For further information on our RE curriculum please find the links here:

KS3/KS4 RPE Curriculum

KS5 RPE Curriculum

Updated: September 202